Pauline is an Digital and Brand Marketing enthusiast, currently working as a Brand Ambassador at Allen Cole. Pauline

Pauline is the CEO at Allen Cole, also consults for iWork and Elite Writers Hub. She works with small and medium size organizations to increase their visibility online through corporate blogging, content creation, website development and social media engagement.

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Here are my most recent posts

Savoring a Google+ Experience

  Hi, finally I am on Google+! Yeap am in!! This may sound very juvenile to those who see themselves as internet gurus, but as I write this post, am on cloud nine.  Opened on the next tab is Google+ which I joined yesterday after getting an invite from a friend....

Tips on Eradicating Unemployment in Kenya

In the next months, we are bound to hear plenty about eradicating unemployment in Kenya from our beloved politicians. OOh sorry!! I should have pointed out next year is an election year and we all know what happens in the run up to any election. Wanna be politicians...
How to Write Three Blog Posts a Day

How to Write Three Blog Posts a Day

Blogging can take a toll on you and especially if you have to obey the rule  “content is King” on the internet. Hence the need to actively post articles on your site to remain relevant and keep search engines and human traffic flowing to your site. My...

Blogging on Blogspot

Blogging on blogspot has of late become  popular in Kenya. More and more people are taking to blogging while there are those still wondering what the fuss is all about. There are those who have been blogging in Kenya for a long time and majority of these blogs are on...
Is Parenting For You?

Is Parenting For You?

This morning as I was taking my son to school, I witnessed a few ladies escorting wailing or angry children to school, young between ages 4 and 5 years old. The one who stood out was one whose son who was literally wailing, and this lady was clearly his mother not a...